Our School
The school roll ranges from 490-520 pupils depending on the time of year. The school population is diverse; 61% of our students identify as NZ European, 25% Māori, 2% are ‘Other European’ and the remaining 10% consists of Tongan, Dutch, Cook Island Maori, British/ Irish, German, Filipino, Fijian, Australian, African, Chinese, Korean, Indian and Latin America/Hispanic.
At Kerikeri Primary School we value the bicultural foundation of New Zealand and are proud to provide a bilingual learning option called ‘Te Whakatupuranga’ where learning occurs in te reo Māori and English and Māori tikanga has a special place in learning and the daily routines of the classroom. If the classes are full, your child can go on the waitlist for Te Whakatupuranga. Your child must be enrolled at our school to be on the waitlist.